Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is discomfort or ache in the shoulder joint area, involving muscles, tendons, ligaments, or bones. Common causes include rotator cuff injuries, impingement syndrome, frozen shoulder, bursitis, and arthritis. It can affect people of all ages, with athletes, older adults, and individuals with physically demanding jobs being more susceptible. Shoulder pain can also be linked to radicular pain originating from the neck, caused by nerve-related issues in the cervical spine like cervical radiculopathy due to herniated discs or nerve compression. Patients may also experience symptoms of instability and impingement, making it essential to address the underlying cause for appropriate treatment.

The most commonly reported symptoms of shoulder pain include discomfort, aching, or soreness in the shoulder joint area. Patients may experience pain while moving the arm, especially during activities like reaching, lifting, or throwing. Swelling and tenderness around the shoulder joint are also frequent complaints. Some individuals may notice stiffness or limited range of motion, making everyday tasks challenging. Additionally, shoulder pain can sometimes radiate to the upper arm or neck, and patients may experience weakness or instability in the affected shoulder. Furthermore, pain that worsens with certain movements, along with clicking or popping sensations, are also commonly reported symptoms.

At Functional Restoration Institute, our approach to shoulder pain involves a thorough and comprehensive examination to identify the underlying cause of your discomfort. We assess not only the shoulder joint but also the entire kinetic chain, including the neck, upper back, and surrounding structures, to understand how they may be contributing to your shoulder pain. Our focus is on determining the root cause of your symptoms, which will guide us in designing a personalized and effective treatment approach. By addressing the underlying cause of your shoulder pain, we aim to provide long-lasting relief and improved function. Our patient-centered treatment plans empower you to take an active role in your recovery, ensuring optimal results and an improved quality of life.

Shoulder Pain
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