Elbow Pain

Elbow pain refers to discomfort or soreness experienced in the elbow joint area. It can vary in intensity and may occur due to various underlying causes. Some of the most common reasons for elbow pain include overuse injuries, such as tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis), which result from repetitive movements and strain on the tendons around the elbow. Additionally, conditions like bursitis and arthritis can also lead to elbow pain. Furthermore, elbow pain can be associated with radicular pain originating from the neck. Nerve-related issues in the cervical spine, such as a pinched nerve or cervical radiculopathy, can cause pain sensations to radiate down the arm to the elbow. Elbow pain can affect individuals of all ages, but it is more commonly observed in those engaged in repetitive hand activities or sports involving frequent elbow use, as well as in individuals with occupations that require prolonged arm movements.

The most commonly reported symptoms of elbow pain include discomfort, aching, or soreness in the elbow joint area. Patients may experience pain while performing activities that involve gripping, lifting, or bending the arm. Swelling, tenderness, and warmth around the elbow are also frequent complaints. Some individuals may notice stiffness or a reduced range of motion in the affected arm, making it challenging to perform everyday tasks. In cases where the elbow pain is associated with radicular pain originating from the neck, patients may experience additional symptoms such as tingling, numbness, or weakness that radiates down the arm. 

At Functional Restoration Institute, our approach to elbow pain involves a thorough and comprehensive examination to identify the underlying cause of your discomfort. We assess and treat the entire kinetic chain, including the elbow, wrist, shoulder, and neck, as these areas are interconnected and can contribute to elbow pain. Our focus is on understanding the root cause of your symptoms, which will determine the most suitable treatment approach. By addressing the underlying issue, whether it’s related to the elbow joint itself or radicular pain originating from the neck, we aim to provide effective and lasting relief. Our personalized treatment plans empower you to lead a pain-free and active lifestyle, ensuring optimal recovery and overall well-being.

Elbow Pain
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