Frozen Shoulder

Adhesive capsulitis, commonly known as frozen shoulder, is a condition characterized by pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. It occurs when the connective tissue surrounding the shoulder joint, called the shoulder capsule, becomes inflamed and thickened. This leads to a gradual loss of range of motion in the shoulder, making everyday movements challenging and painful. The condition typically develops slowly and progresses through different stages, starting with increasing pain and restricted motion in the “freezing” stage, followed by extreme stiffness in the “frozen” stage, and gradually improving movement and reduced pain in the “thawing” stage. Adhesive capsulitis can be caused by injury, shoulder immobilization, or certain medical conditions like diabetes.

The most commonly reported symptoms of adhesive capsulitis include persistent pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint, which gradually worsens over time, leading to limited range of motion and difficulty in performing everyday activities. Individuals may experience pain at rest and during movements, especially when trying to raise the arm or reach behind the back. 

At Functional Restoration Institute, we prioritize fascial manipulation, joint mobilizations, and chiropractic adjustments to enhance joint mobility and treat adhesive capsulitis. These techniques optimize tissue tone around the shoulder joint, promoting better healing and increased range of motion. Our comprehensive approach includes customized exercises and neuromuscular rehabilitation to improve joint coordination and enhance mobility. Additionally, we evaluate any systemic factors that may contribute to frozen shoulder utilizing our Functional Medicine approach. Our integrated approach aims to comprehensively address adhesive capsulitis, providing personalized care for improved shoulder health.

Frozen Shoulder
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