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Meniscal Injuries

A meniscus injury is damage or tearing of the cartilage in the knee joint. The meniscus acts as a cushion between the bones in the knee, providing stability and helping with smooth movement. Injuries to the meniscus often occur during activities that involve twisting or sudden movements. These injuries can vary in severity, and they are common among athletes and active individuals.

The most common symptoms include knee pain, often felt along the joint line, accompanied by swelling or inflammation around the knee area. Individuals with meniscus injuries may experience difficulty or pain while bending or straightening the knee, and they might describe a sensation of “catching” or “locking” of the knee during movement. Limited range of motion in the knee and a feeling of instability or weakness are also frequent complaints. Pain or discomfort during weight-bearing activities such as walking or running, as well as difficulty in fully extending the knee, are other prevalent symptoms. Additionally, individuals might notice pain while squatting or kneeling.

At Functional Restoration Institute, we adopt a comprehensive approach to meniscus injuries, ensuring long-term relief by addressing the whole kinetic chain. By focusing not only on the knees but also optimizing the ankles and hips, we create a balanced movement pattern throughout the chain, reducing stress on the knees and meniscus. Additionally, we address the fascia to optimize tissue tone around the affected area, promoting better healing and improved joint function. Our integrated approach aims to provide you with the best possible outcome for long-term relief and overall well-being.

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