Myofascial Pain

Myofascial pain is a type of pain caused by the complex network of tissue called fascia that surrounds and connects our muscles, bones, and organs.It plays vital roles in sensory perception, pain processing, temperature regulation, nerve function, force transmission, and blood and lymphatic flow. Additionally, fascia responds to hormones in the body. The fascial layers smoothly glide over each other, thanks to a lubricating substance called hyaluronic acid. However, factors like dehydration, lack of movement, cold temperatures, high blood sugar levels, aging, trauma, and surgery can thicken the hyaluronic acid, causing reduced gliding between fascial layers and the formation of adhesions and densifications over time. These can lead to stiffness and rigidity in the fascia.

The most common presentations or symptoms of fascial pain may include stiffness, limited mobility, painful or limited range of motion, diffuse aches and pain, and post-surgical discomfort and stiffness. It is important to note that fascial pain can affect different areas of the body and can present differently in each individual. Some may experience a deep ache, burning sensation, or tightness in the affected area. In some cases, the pain may be chronic and ongoing.

At Functional Restoration Institute, we specialize in treating myofascial pain and dysfunction through a method known as Fascial Manipulation. Our approach involves a thorough assessment of the fascia to identify areas of stiffness, tension, or adhesions that contribute to your pain. We utilize hands-on techniques to apply targeted pressure to these areas, restoring movement and function to the myofascial system. Our non-invasive treatment focuses on mobilizing the fascia and enhancing its flexibility. With a success rate of 96% in treating fascia-related issues, we are committed to creating a personalized treatment plan that offers long-term relief and helps you regain mobility, alleviate pain, and enhance your overall quality of life.

Myofascial Pain
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